Saturday, May 09, 2009

I'd fit in well in 'Casablanca'

I like Rick. He's a hard, no-nonsense kinda guy but at the same time is pained and vunerable. I like that he sees the big picture and knows that Ilsa is better off with Victor than him, and that Victor needs Ilsa to help with his work.

Captain Renault I quite like. He spends most of the movie playing both sides of the argument, not favouring one or the other, but doing what seems best given the circumstances.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Please, Use The Curtains

A cautionary tale, folks.

I've just finished up with the plotter for the evening, and it's 2230, so - obviously dark outside.

I look up, and to my horror across the cul-de-sac, one of my neighbours is merrily changing the sheets on his bed, with the light on, the drapes (curtains) open, stark-bollock naked.

You just can't make this stuff up...