Sunday, September 30, 2007

What The Hell Am I Going to Do With 1,000 Paperclips?

Forgot to add this earlier.

I was at Staples picking up ink, paper and other assorted goodies that appeal to the small-business owner and I wanted a pack of paperclips.

Not jumbo paperclips, not pretty coloured paperclips (although I have some of those) - just regular, paperclips. By that I mean the little curvy bits of silvery metal, not the big spring of black metal and two flexible arms (bulldog clip in the UK). The only option was the '10-pack' consisting of 10x packs of 100 clips all held together with impenetrable shrinkwrap.

What on earth am I going to do with 1,000 paperclips? Who uses that many clips? I can understand that a few may go missing, a couple irretrievably bent out of shape to open a locked CD-ROM drawer because you're too lazy to power the thing on, but really - 1,000?

I wouldn't object too much if they were in a nice, small box - but each 100 was packaged in a little container the size of a box of matches, so even if I only use one pack, I've still got to find a home for the other nine boxes.

Do people give them away as presents? Would you want to receive a box of paperclips as a gift?

The mind boggles. Who uses 1,000 paperclips?!?!?! Seriously, think Staples, think...

...and fall slams into Calgary

What the hell happened to summer? I want a refund. I know that fall is here because I'm stood in a parking lot Wednesday evening putting decals on a day-cares new buses and it's starting to get damn cold!

I know this because the material isn't as pliable, it's dark half-way through the first bus at 2030 and my fingers are starting to get that dryness that just begs for paper cuts.

Still, can't have everything I guess. My apologies for no posts recently, it's been busy here - so much so that I've just sent out invoices for work performed back in June. I hate doing my accounting - but I'm getting better at it. On the plus side I should have a new tutorial that explains DPI and pixels pretty well along with some more amusing stuff to go in the amusement gallery.

Must go, bed is calling...

Sunday, September 09, 2007

'No Soliciting' Sign Now Available

The aforementioned 'No Soliciting' sign is now available as either a free sticker or as a downloadable PDF. Feel free to distribute as you see fit. I put mine onto corplast and used foam-backed adhesive to mount it to the vinyl siding next to the door-bell of FPDI HQ.

If you've got any suggestions as to free stickers that you think other people might like - send me an email, or post something to this thread.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Free 'No Soliciting' Sign - Coming Soon

I've just made up a 'No Soliciting' sign to go on the door-bell of my workshop. It's been a constant stream of people all summer wanting money in some way shape or form.

Anyway, I'll make a PDF version available for download tomorrow, and I'll also make a free sticker version available in the 'Free Decals' area of my website.

Watch this space...