Saturday, May 27, 2006

Busy, busy, busy

Well, s'been a busy couple of weeks - hence no updates.

I've got a couple of projects on the go at the moment. The exciting one is that my groovy little Pantone monitor calibration puck is merrily working away on my workstation, so when it's done I shouldn't have to worry about mucking about with colour balancing any more. All exciting stuff.

Other bits and pieces are that I plan to overhaul the support-pages so that it's less of a jumble. The support pages are a hang over since the days when the site was entirely bog-standard HTML with lots of linkage and in those days it was a nightmare to build extra pages. Hence, it was a challenge to pack as much info onto a single sheet as possible. Now that I have the groovy ASP back end in it's time to revise and make it all a little more user friendly. Watch this space.

I'm also working on making a glossary of terms for the website. It struck me that I'm continually having to explain what rasters and vectors are - along with the pitfalls of colour matching and a bunch of other print/signage terms - so when I've tidied up the definitions a little, I'll publish to the site and I'd appreciate feedback. The page will be full of references to Wikipedia for more indepth discussions as I'm too lazy to write me own.

Other than that, I face the exciting prospect of overhauling the installation documentation because to be honest - it's a bit crap. Similarly I want to make some headway into writing the 'tips and tricks' document that should enable customers to make more satisfactory installs of their signage and decals.

So, once more unto the breach dear friends - until next time...