Saturday, March 31, 2007

Calgary Nintendo DS Meetup.Com Event Launched!

So, I decided that Calgary need a event for Nintendo DS enthusiasts like myself. I've already got some Mario stickers on my site that I produced originally for my neice and nephew - so I guess it was only a matter of time before something larger took off.

The problem of where to host so that everyone in Calgary could get to it was solved when I hit on the idea of hosting it on the C-Train, so that's what I've decided to do. On April 10th (if anyone shows up) we'll meet on the C-Train @ Dalhousie and game all the way down to the last south stop - Somerset. Then, we'll game all the way back to Dalhousie which I figure should take about 90 mins. The theory being that we might pick up people as we go along. On Monday I have to start letting the media know about this, but it's late and I need to get some sleep.

Anyway, you can read all about it here. Please let people know!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Congratulations to the Glenlake PeeWee 4 Hawks!!!

We're dead pleased that the Glenlake PeeWee 4 Hawks are now the Division 5 Champions, Minor Hockey Week Finalist, Division Points Leader, Jingle Bell Classic Tournament Winners!! Congratulations to all of you! Their goaltender, Julian Bentivegna is also up for the Mike Vernon Goaltender Award, which we can only conclude is good.

We do their banners and decal work - incase you were wondering, since the rest of this blog is entirely void of sport related material :)

Again, congrats to the team and support crew!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Ooooh, Toys...

Time for an update. all go here - we've bought a huuuuuuge trimmer for slicing wide sheets of 'stuff' and we've now also got a sweet grommet press. Ok, so it's not massively exciting but big news for us.

Other news is that the UltraFractal roundrobin has now finished so we're now in the process of printing off the resultant images as the sponsorship we contributed.

Right now the plotter is flat out in 'trade show' season - so that's great.

Lots of other ideas here and we're still trying to get our free decal give-away sorted out. Oh yeah, and stay tuned for news on revised and simpler pricing.

Later, people... :)

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Almost There With Free Stuff!

Well, it's been a bit of work, but the plans for the Give-Away are finally coming together.

Coincidentally, I've been able to tie this together with a massive overhaul of how custom high-resolution printing is priced, so I'll be announcing those via the newsletter - which, if you've not already signed up is located here:

Our hosting people have been hard at work preparing and 'Upload' area for us, so we're now able to accept files dropped directly onto our server. This will remove the need for us to be so reliant on YouSendIt who insist on fluctuating between requiring registration and not - which is most irritating for our clients.

Anyway, I must get back to FreeMind to finish off putting all my thoughts down before I forget.

Later, people...