Saturday, April 01, 2006

OK - so, this is our blog - and, welcome from all of us at Team FPDI.

In a sense this is a bit like January the 1st, isn't it? You've spent the last week and a bit waiting to crack open that lovely new, crisp diary that your grandma gave you and now it's finally here - January the first. At first it seem like the dullest gift on the planet - but now it comes into a life of it's own.

You've meticulously filled in all the Emergency Contact info, the addresses and phone numbers of everyone you've ever known and then ran out of space on the 'E' page and started writing down the margin.

Now for the big moment. It's time to fill in the details of your first tentitive steps into a new year.

With the exception here of course that it's April 1st - and let's face it who can't fail to see the irony there?

Almost a month and a half ago some programming code broke when we moved our site to a new server. Unfortunately, no-one noticed so when we went to update the site well over a month ago we had to wait for maintenance to come and fix it. It's now working, so most of this week has been spent updating products, correcting a host of grammar errors (thanks BTW to all of you who do correct our site for us!) and addition of some new products - specifically:

So - this is it - our blog, our first post. Happy day ;)


Anonymous said...

Great news about the blog. I'll add you to my daily read.

steve said...

Someone stole teh pdfs! OMG!!!!@$!@#!@#onetyeleven!!!

Leighton, Owner, Floating Point Digital Images said...

Ooops. PDFs are now in place. DreamWeaver lied when it said 'No synchronization necessary!'.

There's probably a moral to be learned here, or something...