Saturday, April 15, 2006

Special Day Banners Now Available!

All right, back in the ring today with my old nemisis the website.

I've got a number of photos of projects that I've completed that haven't found their way into the gallery, so I'm trying to clear that backlog - a thankless and tedious task I might add. Today it was the turn of some 'special event' banners that I produced. So, they are available for viewing here:

It'll be a while before I get any 'stock' designs (as mentioned on the above URL) made as I need a healthy bout of inspiration before I sink my teeth into that.

On the plus side, I found a much quicker way in Corel Paint to achieve the 'faded picture edge' effect that gives the soft-edge feel to the graphics, so it wasn't an entire waste of time!

Lastly, ages back I did a vehicle lettering project for 'The Register' - you can read the full story here - so I'll probably put portions of that on my site next...

...more soon...

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