Friday, August 31, 2007

The Weirdness Of Webstats

'lo people - thought I'd drop a line to prove that I've not evaporated from the planet.

I've been paying lots of attention recently to the stats collected by the webserver for Floating Point - you can take a look yourself here:

Specifically, since moving the site away from the 'framed' version to the new swanky layered version the traffic is steadily increasing which I'm particularly glad to see since the move to frames caused traffic to crater.

What always causes complete confusion in my mind is why so many people are downloading the font lists. Within the support area I have two large PDF's that contain samples of all the fonts I currently have to hand. You can't extract the fonts, much less use them for anything, but that doesn't stop the top-downloads each and every month being the two PDF's. Anyone got any ideas why this would be?

Also interesting is that the Mario graphics are getting a lot of serves so I reworked the pricing and ability to purchase more efficiently 'pairs' of the two main products.

As you might have noticed on the mini-log I'm being bombarded from time to time with tons of returned spam. This comes and goes but is more a pain in the bum more than any real inconvenience. I'm convinced though that having an easily clickable email address outweighs the deluge of crap I get each day, so it will stay.

I'm investigating the possibility of being able to produce custom-wrapping paper and am in the midst of sourcing a suitable material. I'd appreciate feedback on this thought as always so either contact me directly or put up a post here. Like with most things Floating Point it'll be pretty flexible so contributions are welcome.

More pics coming to the gallery soon, along with a bunch of reader-submitted amusing signage pics :)

Take care,

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