Sunday, August 05, 2007

Love and Hate Through DreamWeaver

All go here. Lots of changes on the website. The pricing pages have been entirely restructured so that it now quizzes you about your project before producing a guide to the costs involved. I'm quite happy with that, but it still needs some fine tuning.

After making a reasonably snap decision, I've put my contact phone number up there. In the past I've held off on that because I didn't want to get bombarded with telephone sales people, but we'll see.

A tutorial on why tiny gif files don't scale up very well has also been written - that came out really well.

Most of this was originally sketched out using Freemind - a wonderful tool for abstract planning and best of all, free.

Naturally, my love/hate relationship with DreamWeaver has been pushed to the limit. A combination of weird-crashes have plagued me all through the revising of these pages, but right now I have no compelling urge to rush out and purchase a replacement. 'Suck it up, Princess' is definitely the phrase there.

A mini-blog has been added to the front page of the website, this keeps a record of what's going on and is immediately visible to visitors.

The plan to gradually personalize the site away from the sterile 'we' and 'us' is coming along nicely, so now there is a wonderful disconnect between some pages describing FPDI as an outfit with at least two people, and others that describe it more accurately, which is of course - just me. Oh, and I added a pic of me on the front page, and there is a 'Simpsonized' version on the 'About FPDI'.

...and lastly, my customized packing tape has arrived. This compliments my unhealthy fascination with tape-guns nicely >:)

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