Sunday, September 30, 2007

...and fall slams into Calgary

What the hell happened to summer? I want a refund. I know that fall is here because I'm stood in a parking lot Wednesday evening putting decals on a day-cares new buses and it's starting to get damn cold!

I know this because the material isn't as pliable, it's dark half-way through the first bus at 2030 and my fingers are starting to get that dryness that just begs for paper cuts.

Still, can't have everything I guess. My apologies for no posts recently, it's been busy here - so much so that I've just sent out invoices for work performed back in June. I hate doing my accounting - but I'm getting better at it. On the plus side I should have a new tutorial that explains DPI and pixels pretty well along with some more amusing stuff to go in the amusement gallery.

Must go, bed is calling...

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