Monday, April 23, 2007

New Pricing, New Pics, New FTP Instructions! Aye aye aye

Well, it's been a full on exciting weekend full of the joys of spring. Here's some of the wonderous delights now awaiting at FPDI...

Probably the biggest thing is that I've finally got around to updating all the 'Pricing' webpages with the new, well, pricing. In a nutshell I've abolished all of the $65 set-up fees as well as introducing 'Print by the square inch' for artwork printing. This makes the math a bit easier to do.

Secondly, the gallery has been updated with some more new cool projects - most of them in the fractal area but also a couple in the banner section too.

Thirdly, I've finally made up some 'official' instructions on how to use our FTP site for image upload. This is pretty exciting for me since up until this point I've been sounding like a broken record each time I've needed to send the information to someone in an email. These instructions can now be downloaded from the 'Support' section of our website.

The unusual project of the month award goes to an aircraft decal. I'll put pics up when it's completed, but it's a 2' rendering of 'Scamp' from 'Lady and the Tramp' (Disney) and will be eventually mounted on the underside of the wing on a Cessna 152. Very cool, traced from a teeny gif.

That's about all the news for the moment, other than if you've signed up for our newsletter, the service will now be coming to you from ConstantContact since Microsoft is retiring their bCentral product.

Later people...

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